Take a look at our case studies
10. 3. 2023
What do art and economics have in common? More than it may seem. The Art Econ group of middle and high vocational schools connects two seemingly opposite fields. The meaningfulness of their approach is confirmed by a number of successful graduates. We have also demonstrated a similar amount of talent in creating virtual tours.
20. 5. 2022
It would be a shame to hide such a high-tech company behind closed doors - especially when ABB in Jablonec was short of qualified employees at the time. The virtual tour was supposed to help the HR department in recruiting new colleagues.
7. 4. 2022
Nutrend, which is the market leader in sports nutrition products and supplies products to 60 countries around the world. The pace of its growth was dizzying – first a production factory was built in the Olomouc branch, then an administrative building and then a hotel. The client wanted to show what this giant anthill looks like and therefore approached us to create a virtual tour. It worked – since the launch of the first version in 2019, over 8,000 people have visited the tour.
We created a virtual tour of a luxurious hotel Nutrend World and other parts of their centre.
We made a virtual tour of RD Dřevo's show house.
We designed a website together with a virtual tour for a beautiful family apartment in Southern Moravia.
Welcome to a virtual tour of Milešovka and its weather station and observatory!
We created a website together with complete visual overhaul for a machinery seller in Brno.
The purpose of this project was to create unified websites for Ševčík wine stores and create a brand.
We created a number of videospots for Maximus Resort including their amazing wellness center.
For Arena Reality we prepared the whole concept of modern presentation of more luxurious properties with promotion.
Discover the charm of Karlovy Vary spiced with the aroma of traditional Karlovy Vary Becherovka.
25 interviews, 50 reels, 1 aftermovie and a virtual tour, that's the collab of Virtual Visit and Healing Festival.
The production premises of the Brno branch of ABB have an area of several thousand m².