#pro firmy

NUTREND: A complex virtual tour for a supplement producer

Nutrend, which is the market leader in sports nutrition products and supplies products to 60 countries around the world. The pace of its growth was dizzying – first a production factory was built in the Olomouc branch, then an administrative building and then a hotel. The client wanted to show what this giant anthill looks like and therefore approached us to create a virtual tour. It worked – since the launch of the first version in 2019, over 8,000 people have visited the tour.

Published 7. 4. 2022

Let's take a look at the tour

The first assignment was to create a tour of the administrative building and hotel complex with restaurant. The premises were new, beautiful and exclusive - in short, a joy to film. We therefore made sure to capture a clean, modern design. The management of the company then decided that the spacious production hall deserves a similar virtual tour.

Virtual tour with the face of the company

In order for the virtual tour to reflect Nutrend's corporate identity even better, the client asked us to modify the user interface graphically. We updated the typography, icons and colors of the tour - as a result, we enhanced the overall impression of the virtual tour even more. And the responsiveness of the tour on mobile devices was a matter of course. Thanks to these modifications, we can talk about a turnkey virtual tour. 

A huge complex in which you will not get lost

The entire tour includes around 130 panoramic shots. The main challenge was to process everything in a clear way so that the visitor could find his way around easily. We designed three basic parts – administrative, production and a hotel with wellness.

We then divided each of the parts into circuits, between which the visitor can easily move. With the help of two clicks, he found himself in a private wellness center or in the open space of the graphics department of the administrative building. In this way, we managed to fulfill the task – to clearly show the extensive complex and at the same time not overwhelm the visitor who came to look only at the production or the hotel.

A virtual tour where not even a stranger will get lost

Nutrend has customers in more than 60 countries, so it was essential that the virtual tour also fulfills representational purposes abroad. The client provided us with documents translated by professional translators, and the creation of the English translation was all the easier for us.

Large complexes require a new perspective

We film extensive building complexes from the outside using a drone. We can thus perfectly capture the massiveness of buildings. We photograph the interiors of these buildings using a telescopic tripod. Thanks to these tools, we can take shots even in a building from a height of four meters, which we also used when creating a tour of a warehouse with high ceilings. Visitors can thus take a good look around the complex. 

A tour that the client was excited about

Despite the large number of shots, we minimized the loading time of the tour to a few seconds - see for yourself. The client received a customized virtual tour that perfectly presents his new premises. And although it is very complex, it is easy to navigate. Underlined, summed up - the result was successful, which is also confirmed by the attendance statistics.

Look at the result
